Dailylog3 min de leitura
- Day 01 | workday
- ar
Os 10 principais tamanhos de banner do Google Ads que você precisa saber agora
- hb
Fluid ads - Google Publisher Tag
- Day 02 | workday
- ar
Keyframe Animation Syntax
- ar
How to Implement DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers) in React.js, Vue.js, and AMP?
- ar
React: Using Refs with the useRef Hook
- ar
Little neat Trick to capture click outside React component
- ar
How to track user interactions in your React app
- fv
Declarative tracking for React apps.
- Day 03 | workday
- ar
- ar
Implementing Swiper In React
- Day 04 | workday
- ar
Dicas de filmes - Década 1930 - (Estreias no cinema) - 06.04.2020
- sc-ig
Animating Next.js page transitions with Framer Motion
- Day 05 | workday
- fv
Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict
- hb
Configuring TSLint - TSLint
- Day 06 | weekend day
- ar
Unit Testing in ReactJS using Jest and Enzyme
- pb-ws
Análise do mês de Maio/2020
- Day 07 | weekend day
- pb-ws
Ações recomendadas para Junho/2020
- sc-ig
Calistenia com 2 dedos
- sc-ig
Ativos mais indicados pelas corretoras - Junho de 2020
- sc-ig
- Day 08 | workday
- Day 09 | workday
- ar
Using React Refs in Typescript
- ar
React Refs with TypeScript
- fv
Automate running Lighthouse for every commit, viewing the changes, and preventing regressions
- fv
Render After Effects animations on React based on lottie-web
- sc-ig
Playlist - Argentina #1
- Day 10 | workday
- ar
CSS Relative Font Size
- Day 11 | workday
- ar
React Refs with TypeScript
- ar
React DOM Refs
- ar
Fitting Text to a Container
- ar
Dynamic, Responsive font-sizes and spacing using em units and JavaScript
- ar
Fluid Typography
- ar
Simplified Fluid Typography
- fv
A jQuery plugin for inflating web type
- sc-ig
Dicas de filmes - Década 1920 - (Estreias no cinema) - 06.11.2020
- Day 12 | workday
- ar
Managing global state with React’s Hooks & Context API
- Day 13 | weekend day
- Day 14 | weekend day
- ar
How to track user interactions in your React app
- ar
How to read Test Coverage report generated using Jest
- Day 15 | workday
- Day 16 | workday
- Day 17 | workday
- ar
Simple Image Placeholders with SVG
- ar
Improving content placeholder loading animation with SVG
- ar
Animating SVG with CSS
- Day 18 | workday
- Day 19 | workday
- ar
Animating SVG Gradients
- sc-ig
Provavelmente de volta em 2021
- Day 20 | weekend day
- Day 21 | weekend day
- Day 22 | workday
- ar
How To Use Redux with React Hooks
- Day 23 | workday
- Day 24 | workday
- Day 25 | study day
- ar
The Best Front-End Hacking Cheatsheets — All in One Place
- ar
Desenvolvimento ágil: o que é, princípios e como aplicar
- fv
Javascript Cheat Sheet
- fv
JavaScript Regex Cheatsheet
- Day 26 | study day
- Day 27 | weekend day
- Day 28 | weekend day
- Day 29 | study day
- Day 30 | study day