Dailylog5 min de leitura
- Day 01
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Understanding Client-Side GraphQl With Apollo-Client In React Apps
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Create A Responsive Dashboard With Angular Material And ng2-Charts
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Percents In CSS
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Dia 28/2019 - CSS Grid Layout
- Day 02
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Inline validation in forms — designing the experience
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The Renaissance Of No-Code For Web Designers
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How To Use Styled-Components In React
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Modern CSS Techniques To Improve Legibility
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Building Desktop Apps With Electron And Vue
- pb-ws
Dia 29/2019 - Formas com CSS
- Day 03
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A complete guide to CSS combinators
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The Making of: Netlify’s Million Devs SVG Animation Site
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A Lightweight Masonry Solution
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Dia 30/2019 - Animação de exercício na academia
- Day 04
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A Look at What’s New in Chrome DevTools in 2020
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SVG Title vs. HTML Title Attribute
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style9: build-time CSS-in-JS
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A Bit on Web Component Libraries
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Dia 31/2019 - Criando uma pirâmide
- Day 05
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The Cicada Principle, revisited with CSS variables
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Dia 32/2019 - Estação de trabalho interativa
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Análise do mês de Julho/2020
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Saint Seiya Awakening: Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco
- Day 06
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Creating A Static Blog With Sapper And Strapi
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Dia 33/2019 - Combinando Filter, Map e Reduce
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Ações recomendadas para Agosto/2020
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Coin Master
- Day 07
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font-weight: 300 considered harmful
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Dia 34/2019 - Sequência Fibonacci
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Banana Kong
- Day 08
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Every Website is an Essay
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What does 100% mean in CSS?
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More Control Over CSS Borders With background-image
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Nailing the Perfect Contrast Between Light Text and a Background Image
- pb-ws
Dia 35/2019 - Brincando com array: Push, Pop, Unshift e Shift]
- pb-ws
Ludo Club - Jogo Divertido de Dados
- Day 09
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A Practical Guide To Product Tours In React Apps
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Dia 36/2019 - Webstorage: sessionStorage e LocalStorage
- Day 10
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Don’t Wait! Mock the API
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Dia 37/2019 - Brincando com array: Splice, Slice, ToString e Join
- Day 11
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System UIcons
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#191: Learn by doing: CUBE CSS
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Halfmoon: A Bootstrap Alternative with Dark Mode Built In
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Dia 38/2019 - Paginação Simples
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Think & Guess
- Day 12
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Practical Use Cases for JavaScript’s closest() Method
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Chapter 2: Browsers
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Dia 39/2019 - Brincando com array: Concat, Sort, Reverse e ForEach
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- Day 13
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Stacked Cards with Sticky Positioning and a Dash of Sass
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Dia 40/2019 - Detectar e validar números de cartão de crédito
- Day 14
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What I Learned by Fixing One Line of CSS in an Open Source Project
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That’s Just How I Scroll
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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVIII
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Dia 41/2019 - Brincando com array: Includes, IndexOf, LastIndexOf, Find e FindIndex
- Day 15
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Accessibility In Chrome DevTools
- pb-ws
Dia 42/2019 - Gerenciando cookies do navegador
- Day 16
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A Smashing Guide To The World Of Search Engine Optimization
- pb-ws
Dia 43/2019 - Brincando com array: Some, Every, Array.from, Array.of e Array.isArray
- Day 17
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What Happens When Border Radii Overlap?
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Dia 44/2019 - Calculadora Simples
- Day 18
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Queue Jumping in Netlify
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Timer Bars in CSS with Custom Properties
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Can you get valid CSS property values from the browser?
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radEventListener: a Tale of Client-side Framework Performance
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Dia 45/2019 - Brincando com array: Keys, Values, Entries, CopyWithin, Fill e ReduceRight
- Day 19
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A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Preparing for Contributions
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Chapter 3: The Website
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Let’s Make Generative Art We Can Export to SVG and PNG
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Plyr: CSS Styleable Video Player
- pb-ws
Dia 46/2019 - CRUD com Node.js
- Day 20
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Never Build a CSV Importer Again
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A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Building the Site
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To grid or not to grid
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Dia 47/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: tipos de dados
- Day 21
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Optimize Images with a GitHub Action
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Leading-Trim: The Future of Digital Typesetting
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Let’s Make a Vue-Powered Monthly Calendar
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A CSS-only, animated, wrapping underline
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Offering Options for mailto: and tel: Links
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Dia 48/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: matrizes e objetos
- Day 22
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Community Resources, Weekly Newsletter, And Boosting Skills Online
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Mastering Props And PropTypes In React
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Dia 49/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: Pilhas
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Day 23
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Inspired Design Decisions With Bradbury Thompson: The Art Of Graphic Design
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Forms And Validation In Ionic React
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Dia 50/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: Filas e Deques
- Day 24
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This vs. That
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Where Does Logic Go on Jamstack Sites?
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Dia 51/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: lista vinculada
- Day 25
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Designing a JavaScript Plugin System
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Comparing Data in Google and Netlify Analytics
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Doom Damage Flash on Scroll
- pb-ws
Dia 52/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: conjuntos
- Day 26
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How To Help Your Clients Get More Backlinks Through Design
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How To Build Your Own Comment System Using Firebase
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Smashing Podcast Episode 23 With Guillermo Rauch: What Is Next.js?
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How To Create Customer-Centric Landing Pages
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Using Mobx As A State Manager In React Native Applications
- pb-ws
Dia 53/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: mapas e tabelas de hash
- Day 27
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Why you should hire a front-end developer
- pb-ws
Dia 54/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: árvores e (árvores BT, BST e AVL)
- Day 28
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A Complete Walkthrough of GraphQL APIs with React and FaunaDB
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Going Jamstack with React, Serverless, and Airtable
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Dia 55/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: Trie
- Day 29 | :books: weekend day
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Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles
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Here’s How I Solved a Weird Bug Using Tried and True Debugging Strategies
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Number Scrubbing
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Dia 56/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: heap
- Day 30 | :books: weekend day
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Demystifying Django’s Magic
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Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb
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Dia 57/2019 - Estruturas de dados em JS: gráfico
- Day 31
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Ground Rules for Web Animations
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How To Do More With Vue Router
- pb-ws
Dia 58/2019 - Algoritmos em JS: Classificação